Saudi Arabia has confirmed 1,567 COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours, raising the total number of infections to 486,106, the Ministry of Health reported on Tuesday.
Of the new cases, 403 were detected in the city of Mecca and 328 in the capital Riyadh.
The death toll also increased to 7,804 after 15 people died due to coronavirus-related complications.
Meanwhile, 1,032 people who had previously tested positive for the virus recovered, taking the total recoveries to 466,578.
As of June 29, there are 11,724 active COVID-19 cases with 1,406 people in critical condition, according to the health ministry.
#الصحة تعلن عن تسجيل (1567) حالة إصابة جديدة بفيروس كورونا (كوفيد-19)، وتسجيل (15) حالات وفيات رحمهم الله، وتسجيل (1032) حالة تعافي ليصبح إجمالي عدد الحالات المتعافية (466,578) حالة ولله الحمد.
— وزارة الصحة السعودية (@SaudiMOH) June 29, 2021