| 6 May 2024, Monday |

Algerian President: The citizen is the ‘master decision-maker’ in choosing his representatives

He said, during a visit he made to the headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Authority, at the invitation of its president, Mohamed Sharafi, that “the citizen is the master decision-maker in choosing his representatives in the People’s National Assembly,” stressing that “the ballot box will be the decisive factor in determining who the people will choose to represent them in Parliament.”

He added that “the era of kota is over, in light of respecting the laws regulating the electoral process in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and the new organic law for elections, and thus establishing a new phase in Algeria in implementation of obligations.”

The President of the Republic instructed the necessity of “protecting the voice of every citizen, in order to bypass previous practices that would prejudice the citizen’s confidence in his institutions.”

He also stressed that this entitlement is “a first opportunity for young people and the financially vulnerable, to be representatives of the people, especially in light of the exclusion of corrupt and non-corrupt money from the electoral process,” which, as he said, embodies “the realization of citizen representation.”

The President of the Republic concluded by saying, addressing the supervisors of the authority’s operations hall, “You are a safety valve for the confidence that the citizen will place in his institutions in the future,” noting that he has embarked as a first stage in renewing the legislative institution, and soon the municipal and state council elections will follow, which are institutions close to daily life to the citizen.”

On Saturday, Algeria will witness early legislative elections in which 1,483 lists will compete, including 646 lists representing 28 political parties and 837 independent lists to win the 407 seats in the National People’s Assembly.