In a speech during a cabinet meeting today, Wednesday, he addressed the hardliners, saying: How many times should the guide emphasize the preservation of morals and discipline ?
He also added: Running the country presents many complications and it is not an easy task, and the country cannot be managed with emotion, shouting and chants.
This came in response to the strong opposition expressed by the representatives of the hard-line-dominated parliament, who demanded the trial of Rouhani and members of his government due to the conclusion of an agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency to extend the mandatory inspections of nuclear facilities for a period of 3 months.
In his speech, the Iranian president said: The opposition to the agreement between Iran and the IAEA played on enemy territory
Regarding the Iranian parliament law that calls for leaving the additional protocol and deputies accusing the government of violating it, Rouhani said: The government implemented the law 100%, but we acted in a technical way so that we are not accused of not cooperating with the agency.
We must not turn the world against us.