| 29 April 2024, Monday |

Will “10038” Lebanese pound become the official dollar exchange rate?

In an exclusive interview to ” Sawt Beirut International” Economist Munir Younes considered that this dollar has no scientific basis, and does not depend on any monetary policy. But rather, another political dollar invented by the ruling authority. He stressed that calculating the dollar at 10,038 pounds as an actual price in the 2022 budget, is of an unknown mechanism, it is selective, through which they want additional revenues. He also added that this price adds a new price to the market, in a time the economy is suffering from distortions in the multiplicity of exchange rates.

Younis added, through “Sawt Beirut International”, that after three years, we need a comprehensive plan for reform, through which the budget comes as a foundational budget, and not as an emergency or interim budget, as called by Finance Minister Youssef Khalil. He added that we are not in a state of emergency, and from now until the parliamentary elections we will be facing a “patching” scene that is not foundational for recovery and economic reform.

  • Sawt Beirut International