| 5 May 2024, Sunday |

Video: Prepare for more poverty, oppression and hunger

The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, insists on the blocking third to accept the formation of the government, and is engaged in a conflict closer to the personal with the Prime Minister designate Saad Hariri, and between this and that, more than 60 percent of the Lebanese people have crept towards the poverty line, which is greater, the economic journalist Khader Hassan told the correspondent of “Voice of Beirut International “Mahasin Mursal about how things will turn out in the coming days, where he said,“ The negative indications are clear to about a year and a half. And all attempts to brake this negativity are unsuccessful, starting with the first platform that deals with money changers, where the Bank of Lebanon tried to keep one channel for trading the dollar, which is through money changers, and it failed, and we saw how the money changers turned into a class that controls the circulation of the dollar, and in the second platform there is an attempt to introduce banks to more control of the dollar We are facing a triangle of sides with the Central Bank of Lebanon, banks and money changers, who confine the dollar to them, which will negatively affect the availability of the dollar in the market.

Hassan stressed that not forming a government will destroy any possibility of resolving matters, even if at small rates, as it affects, as he said, “the confidence of the international community and the confidence of investors.” He pointed out that “World Bank figures indicate that 66 percent of Lebanese families will suffer from poverty this year.” , In addition to international warnings of hunger, which threatens the Lebanese, not just poverty.


No sane person imagines that the Lebanese will face such suffering and  hunger will knock at their door, and the solution is dependent on the people of power agreeing on how to share the cake.