| 5 May 2024, Sunday |

The right of the Lebanese in gas and oil is threatened!

The disputed maritime border file between Lebanon and the Israeli occupation is still at the forefront of security and political events, after the arrival of a ship belonging to a Greek company contracting with Israel to explore for natural gas to the Karish field in the disputed economic zone with Lebanon, and the division of opinion among officials has certainly become The Lebanese people and wasting time to take the final position on the negotiations will waste Lebanon’s right to benefit from its wealth from oil and gas

The decree is awaiting the signature of the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, to become effective, but so far he has not done so. Rather, he has taken an unprecedented position for months, which is “adopting the 23rd line for negotiation instead of 29”, so what does this mean?

Retreating from Line 29 in favor of 23 major sins against Lebanon, and Decree 6433 must be amended at the earliest opportunity.

Demarcation of the borders is the only way to secure Lebanon’s ability to explore and extract gas. As for obstruction or delay in demarcating the maritime borders, it contributes to strengthening Israel’s negotiating position on the one hand, and dedicating southern Lebanon as a mailbox in regional negotiations on the other.

  • Sawt Beirut International