| 2 May 2024, Thursday |

Italian sweet demands Lebanese citizenship

In the shadow of closed doors of this country’s horizon, we open together a door of hope, behind it a Lebanese family that knows how to grab success, how to cook endurance with the highest levels of calcium that strengthens bones and determination. If we used to say in the Lebanese tradition “It’s the Italians fault”, today we say the solution is by the Italians, Nancy and Elie did not succumb to the order of stopping work, and they went towards the sweet production, in the village of Yahchush, proving that Rome will not burn.
In the time of solidarity, the municipality of Yahchush provided “Beit El-Dayaa” with all its capabilities to facilitate the work of Nancy and Elie. The genres are different, Ellie explains in full detail of the creamy ambition.
Burrata cheese and its sister Italian cheeses are demanding Lebanese nationality at a time when the Lebanese are searching for another nationality. But we insist that the door of hope will not be closed.
Of the components of cheese: calcium, vitamin D and a little sodium. As for the Lebanese, it is an ambitious vitamin, free of defeat fat

  • Sawt Beirut International