| 4 May 2024, Saturday |

Free medicines for all Lebanese

Every disease has a medicine, and this saying is not limited to the disease of the body from illness, but also applies to the disease of the soul, as even the tired souls in this country must have a treatment that relieves them of their permanent pain.

A Lebanese girl in the spring of her life, instead of focusing on studies or the “births” of the world in reality or through the virtual world like other girls, decided to specialize in addition to rights, in the science of humanity. And instead of using social media to gossip and present the lie of happiness in life, it used it to ask the Lebanese expatriates to send all the medicines they could send, so its virginity expanded to cover the universe with its splendor. Marina Khawand, a girl who loves the sun by her window, a verse in hope.

Marina provides everything for the needy, medicines, drugs, medical devices, crutches, wheelchairs, serum, units of measurement… and “everyone means all”, for free and with love.

In Sin El Fil its address, and its presence in every home inhabited by pain, occupied by disease, its name as an amulet repeated by those who claim to survive.
It is true that Lebanon is sick, but its treatment is a humanitarian pill every day on an empty stomach!

  • Sawt Beirut International