| 7 May 2024, Tuesday |

Boycotting political news.. citizens in denial

In light of difficult and far from stable conditions, the Lebanese citizen lives with the determination to survive and to manage his affairs despite the difficulties.
In fact, some Lebanese live in dreams, they are in a state of denial of reality. There are Lebanese who “occupy” restaurants and shops, in order to match the collapse of the currency with their salaries, or who receive transfers in hard currency.
And some of them live their lives as if they are on drugs, and are certain that the dollar exchange rate will rise, but they do not take the initiative to exchange their savings from the national currency. It cannot be categorized as adapting to reality, as the reality in Lebanon is not stable, especially that the pace of events is fast and the index of collapse is ascending.

How long will the Lebanese citizen live in denial of reality?

Why does the Lebanese citizen no longer follow the political news?
The largest segment remains, does not care at all, knowing that the economic situation is difficult, but has lost hope in politicians and officials, and do not follow the news bulletins. T hey lost confidence and surrendered to the bitter reality that they live every day, and when asked about tomorrow, the answer is: “Tomorrow we will see,” but what are we waiting for and why are we waiting? we do not know.

  • Sawt Beirut International