| 3 May 2024, Friday |

Books have something to do with chickpeas and beans!

 It may seem contradictory at first glance, when you see a table with “delicious” books on it, among tables with delicious food on it .. “Take whatever you crave for” is the sentence given by Bilal Abdel Hadi, the doctor at the Lebanese University, who dreamed of establishing a cultural library. However, the circumstances did not help him, so he resorted to this method in which he did not see a contradiction but an important complementarity. According to what he explained to the correspondent of “Voice of Beirut International,” Ghassan Farran, I had a dream to create a unique public library, that is not restricted to the “paper book” alone but the with digital one also, which I consider the future, for I believe in the righteous successor and not the righteous ancestor.

 he considered that “the kitchen is the language, speech and food are cousins.” He added, “Some of the restaurant’s customers think that books are for sale, and I feel happy when I find someone who is anxious for a book to read, as I consider the book is like a bird that should fly and not be imprisoned in a cage.”

The phenomenon in this restaurant continues indefinitely to offer many ‘ fatty’ books or accompanied by the smell of fatty foods as well.