| 1 June 2024, Saturday |

Will US-Iranian military rules of engagement expand to Lebanon?

More than eight artillery shells were fired at Syria’s Al-Omar oil field, targeting a military base of the US-led coalition forces in eastern Deir ez-Zor.

Although, the missiles weren’t claimed by any party, but sources opposed to the Syrian regime told Sawt Beirut International (SBI) that “The Brigade of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas”, a Shi’a militia affiliated to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard known for its operations in Syria since fall 2012, was the party that carried out the operation.

The brigade is located in the Al-Quriya district in Al-Mayadin area, where platforms were set up to launch Iranian missiles. The multiple rockets came in response to the US air raids that targeted operational and weapons storage facilities on the Syrian-Iraq borders between Al-Qaim and Al-Bukamal.

This strike is a dangerous indication of what things can slip into, as it is the first time that the Iranian militias have installed missile launchers towards the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and US bases.

Source added that “Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas” militia has installed more than 15 rocket launch sites or cosmodromes to launch Iranian-made rockets on Al-Bateen near Al-Mayadin. Afghan Fatemiyoun militia has built 11 rocket sites in Hawil Al Mayadin, and directed all these missiles towards areas controlled by the US forces and SDF in Al-Omar field.

The source added that the missiles fired, dubbed “Badr Martyrs”, were publicly a military target, but in fact they are a message from the new Iranian president to those who are negotiating with them on the Iranian Nuclear Deal, especially after the President revealed his desire to withdraw the negotiations, trying to impose his conditions.

But what is more dangerous about these strikes, especially those carried out by US forces on drone factories, the information that talked about transferring large quantities from Al-Bukamal area to undetermined areas and destinations outside the Syrian territory, mainly Lebanon.

Other observers following up on this file, believe that things are about to explode, especially that the attempts made by the new Iranian president, Raisi, lead us to an inevitable result represented in indirect confrontation, and there are many indications.

We mention here the tripartite summit that was held in Iraq, which included Al-Kazemi, Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi, and King Abdullah that was subject to indirect bombardment after the targeting of Salah Al-Din at the beginning of its convening. This was considered an implicit message meaning that the Iranian control over Iraq cannot be penetrated after it set its foundations through its militias and networks established before Al-Kazemi’s arrival.

A question arises in this context, how will the US President Joe Biden’s Administration face the first Iranian strike on its positions, which indicates that the policy and “tactic” of the new Iranian president will be different. This was expected from a public figure who was put under sanctions and has a long history that has nothing to do with diplomacy but rather with the policy of imposing a fait accompli.

However, the most dangerous indicator is that the rules of engagement will expand. Will it affect the Lebanon, which is considered a safe place for Iranian’s weapons?

  • Sawt Beirut International