| 2 May 2024, Thursday |

SBI reveals MoEHE’s plan to kick off the new academic year

The country’s economic sectors have actually started crumbling one after the other as a result of the stifling economic crisis and its repercussions.

The Caretaker Minister of Education and Higher Education Tarek Majzoub insists on launching the new school year, amid huge fears that students will lose another year.

Majzoub announced that the first in-person teaching day in public schools is September 27, keeping the decision for private schools to decide the return between September and October.

Is the ministry able to overcome the most difficult challenges in the history of education?

On the official level, meetings remained open to implement all the necessary proposals to facilitate the start of the school year, while the need remains exceptionally urgent this year for international support from various governments and organizations looking to support education in Lebanon and save the future of tens of thousands of students who are at risk of dropping out.

The most issue that sparks fear among parents is their inability to secure the necessities of their children to continue their education, while teachers are afraid of their inability to secure fuel to reach schools.

Will the international community save what is left of the future of the rising generation?

  • Sawt Beirut International