| 4 May 2024, Saturday |

After the harassing professor’s scandal… “Sawt Beirut International reveals his judicial fate

The world may be accustomed to the ruling of the strong over the weak, but the Lebanese have accustomed us to the fact that, when the weak stands by the side of another weak, he becomes stronger than we imagine…
This is actually what happened in the capital of the uprising against injustice, Tripoli…
In addition to his work in the media sector and his activism in issues of public opinion, Samer al-Mawlawi spent more than ten years in the education sector, and it is not possible to count the victims of this brutal harasser during this period, and it is not possible to know the fate of his victims, or the survivors of his attacks. But today, after a small student revolution In the face of Mawlawi and the management of the school that protected him throughout the previous years, he is outside the education sector… What is his judicial fate?
Harassment is a rude crime that indicates an aggressive act, and it must be confronted by all means…
After the uproar caused by the students’ uprising against their harassing professor and his administration, the Ministry of Education arrested the harasser, Samer Mawlawi, and referred him to the High Disciplinary Commission and to the Juvenile Protection Department in the Ministry of Justice…So, will every “wolf wearing a tie” learn from what happened?