When the Lebanese Foreign Minister, Abdallah Bou Habib, issued a statement expressing Lebanon’s position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rejectionist positions were voiced, led by the ally of Hezbollah, Hezbollah’s deputy, Hassan Fadlallah, who considered that the Foreign Ministry’s statement “does not express the position of the Lebanese people nor the state’s position, sources told Sawt Beirut International.
According to the source, the tripartite meeting in Baabda, which included Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, was the major “layer” of the Lebanese statement condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
According to the source, Hezbollah’s rejectionist stance has softened at the gates of the Baabda Palace due to a variety of foreign circumstances, and hence this was the “graduation.” The outcome of events in Ukraine is being awaited by the party. During the excess of power that Putin will use to control Iran and its militias, and vice versa, the failure will force him to compensate for his defeat by increasing authority in Syria at the expense of the Islamic Republic. As a result, the party will attempt to strike a balance in its position until the dust of the conflict settles.
At the domestic level, the source believes that “Hezbollah” was not far from the statement’s content, especially since Minister Bou Habib could not tweet outside the confines of Baabda Palace, and he was one of the six people who used to meet in Rabieh on a weekly and regular basis. However, given the upcoming benefits, starting with parliamentary elections to maritime border demarcation negotiations and other files, the cost will be heavy in terms of fading their ability to control the state’s joints.