| 6 February 2025, Thursday |

Akkar is bordering Baskinta

In the science of nature, there is nothing that extinguishes fire except water, but in the element of humanity, the love of belonging is the only one that extinguishes it.
The fires that engulfed the forests in our residence were fabricated, by the action of an actor intentionally or ignorantly. As for the extinguishing, it was by acts of love and the love of the steadfast earth in the conscience before the earth.
For long days, the fires continued to devour the lands, and as their intensity increased, fires ignited in the hearts of the young men and women of the village, from the glow of pride and rush, their flames moved to Akkar, whose youth rose up from the Akkar road to carry with them their extinguished north winds.

To Sannine’s burnt brow we headed.
In the difficult days, titles were dropped, the poles were rolled up, and the legs were trampled firmly on the ground. Deputy Razi Al-Hajj from the town of Baskinta was with the youth working to put out the fire, so the fire left its mark on his face, a mark and a sign of gratitude.

The youth of Darb Akkar contributed with the civil defense and the army as well as the municipality and the youth of the village to put down what was deliberate, but nature wore its black scarf in mourning.


  • Sawt Beirut International