| 15 May 2024, Wednesday |

George Chahine: We live in darkness, and we elected 3 energy ministers!

The 15-day period for electing the new Speaker of Parliament and members of his office began yesterday, with the beginning of his term, in light of an atmosphere that does not yet suggest an agreement between all the blocs to complete this entitlement on time.

Although some say that the escalatory positions are about raising the ceiling of conditions in preparation for entering into settlements, some positions raise fears that the country may enter a parliamentary vacuum, followed automatically by a government vacuum, leading to a presidential vacuum when the term of the President of the Republic ends on October 31 Next, at a time when the economic, financial and living crisis began to worsen, with the return of the dollar’s ​​price rise and the decline in the purchasing value of the national currency, which increases fears of a social explosion, fueled by positions launched from here and there, talking about the country going to a very difficult stage in In the event that all forces do not flock to a workshop to save the country from what is in it, and attract Arab and international support for Lebanon.

To shed light on this file, journalist George Chahine joined us.

  • Sawt Beirut International