The Iranian fuel ship will determine the identity of the Mikati government, and that is only… for those who have not yet confirmed it! In principle, tomorrow the Secretary-General of Hezbollah will announce the start of the entry of Iranian diesel tanks to Lebanon, after it was revealed that the Iranian ship had arrived in Tartus. So far, the news is normal, as it is natural for Hassan Nasrallah to rejoice in every Iranian “goods”, and to invest the misery of the Lebanese in media and politics. However, what will be the positioning of the two sons’ government regarding this unprecedented development? Will the prime minister dare to say a word against what is happening? What will be the position of the Minister of Energy and other ministers who claim to be specialists and independent? Noting that all the ministers came based on naming and supporting the political forces, so how can they be independent? In any case, the new ministers should prove their independence and declare a positioning regarding the Iranian ship, then we will apologize.
But our coming government, after a long wait, is not independent, neither from the inside nor from the outside. It is, in short, the Iranian government in Lebanon. Hezbollah, which is a legion of the Wali al-Faqih Army, is the one who controls its decisions, and guides its ministers. So, enough arrogance and enough claiming independence.
Today, the failed play was completed by the Minister of Information’s request from the media not to receive analysts who analyzed and considered that there was a quota system in the government. By what right does George Kordahi issue an order to the media? Does he not know that this matter is not his specialty in Lebanon? Does he not realize, Mr. the new Minister of Information, that the media in Lebanon is free and that it is fundamentally different from that of Iran and Syria?
Honorable Minister: Apologize for your mistake, or else everyone in Lebanon and abroad will be assured that your utmost ambition is to imitate the very advanced Iranian and Syrian model of democracy and freedom. Then let us bid farewell to democracy, freedom and peace… And may God help Lebanon!