Daouqia, the sweets which price has risen in a crazy manner. Its creator, Hajj Muhammad Khair al-Daouq said, “ one klg was for 24000L.L. which was equivalent to $16. Now it is 100 thousand L.L. i.e. $8”
For more than fifty years, Haji Muhammad has been working in this field , and about his innovation for the Daqiya, he told “Voice of Beirut International”, “Once a customer asked me to make a sweet similar to “ lhem”. When done with it, the customer said it was very delicious , so I started preparing it. People called it the Daoqiya after the family name, ”pointing to the attempt to imitate him by some, but he is sure they will not be able to prepare it as he does.
He pointed out that “whoever gets his salary in Lebanese pounds will not be able to buy it because of its high price. Only those who are paid in dollars can do so.” God help the poor.”