We are standing on our feet, facing the speed of light, we stand in positions, we stand spectators on the principle of walking, not the choice, but standing for two-thirds of our lives and the other third is for walking, walking towards a living, walking towards an unknown or inevitable fate and of course walking towards the sun Ambitious with steady steps.
As for the third third, it is for sleeping and sitting, and in this third we try to rest and calm down. And in the first two thirds, we need two feet to help stand and walk, and Uncle Farid has become the most experienced in maintaining walking and standing equipment. The wrinkles of his face are cursive as letters that tell the story of a shoemaker who started in Beirut market in the old days, and here he is ending his career in the outskirts of Kesserwan in the time of mercy on the days of glory. . Another cobbler in Kesserrwan, the owner of steady steps.
The cobbler’s profession is seeking the opportunity to rise from the ashes of the crisis. People must return to repair their shoes. Soles tired from digging the roads of daily life must be replaced in a time of high shoes, the high cost of everything except for the dignity of the citizen.
Uncle Farid cries for his Lebanon, which is difficult to repair, and impossible to replace with a new one
If walking in this world bothers you, change your soles, firm your heels, and move on on your feet