| 23 January 2025, Thursday |

Will the mission of freelancer teachers succeed in the face of partisan forces?

It is said said “Whoever has taught me one letter has made me his slave”. Philosophically and socially, this is assumed. Unfortunately, as a result of the collapse of the nation’s structure, teachers are treated as slaves to the injustice. Lebanon is no longer the scientific homeland of the world, with its renown advanced teaching systems. Instead, it has become a country of money changers and “captains” of  merchants, supermarket owners, and smugglers. According to Newton’s physical law, the teacher became out of balance and fell in free fall as a result of the political and social system’s calculations, such as the zero of the account, the fragment of the adjective noun in the syntax, and he became out of balance and fell in free fall. A group of teachers decided to challenge the authority that had led us to failure in the area of decent living, and an freelancers’ list decided to run in the teachers’ union elections; who are they, and would they actually be granted this opportunity?

We have nothing left but the hope of the next generation, which is in the hands of the teachers, who are in the hands of the Syndicate, and the Syndicate is all about the promise of change and reform.

  • Sawt Beirut International