| 3 May 2024, Friday |

In today’s news bulletin… How are the officials remaining silent after Nasrallah’s speech?

Hassan Nasrallah is strange. Every time he speaks, he defines right and wrong, as if he is responsible for the republic, or as if he is the supreme guide of the Lebanese Republic. Whoever is satisfied with him is the most honorable of all people, and he is a mujahid and fighter. As for whom doesn’t agree with him is a traitor. With this abnormal spirit, Nasrallah approaches matters with each of his appearances.

Two things were manifested in his speech yesterday. The first thing, when every Lebanese demanding the implementation of UN Resolution 1559, was considered to be using the enemy’s terminology and tools. Where did Nasrallah come with this theory? How can someone who demands the implementation of a Security Council resolution be considered a traitor? And let’s suppose we accepted this matter, is Hezbollah a traitor considering that it accepted the implementation of Resolution 1701? Did Hassan Nasrallah personally use the enemy’s terminology and tools when he accepted the implementation of Resolution 1701?

A second noteworthy matter in Nasrallah’s speech yesterday with the way he talked about the Lebanese army. He spoke about the presence of American officers in Yarzeh, as he literally said that the American ambassador won’t leave the army alone. What is the purpose of this systematic and organized targeting of the military institution? Why label the Lebanese army with America? Is it to suggest that the army’s decision is in the hands of America and not the Lebanese authority? Is it to suggest that Hezbollah is the solution, given that its decision is Lebanese and not American?

Indeed, what was said is shameful against Lebanon and the Lebanese. Rather, it is shameful, above all, against the Lebanese state. How can the Lebanese officials keep silent? Is their silence out of fear or out of interest? In all cases, between Nasrallah’s speech and the silence of the officials… The truth is lost!

  • Sawt Beirut International