| 20 May 2024, Monday |

The strong covenant began with slogans and promises and ended up with “They didn’t let us”

With Michel Aoun’s arrival at Baabda Palace 2016 the “strong covenant” slogan was launched. So far we do not know who is the owner of the slogan. But the covenant was satisfied with thus slogan and decided to make it a dedication in 2018, after parliamentary elections. The name of “strong Lebanon” was choosen for the convenant’s parliamentary bloc, a bloc, which constitutes of a free national movement.

But for 7 months from the end of the Covenant, and a half a month and a half from the end of the House of Representatives the truth and reality are elsewhere. In the strong era, the economic situation has collapsed, as well as people and banks, … and in the strong covenant all sectors collapsed. In the Strong Covenant people lived on the time of war from gasoline and fuel on their kindness and medicine.

In parallel, the current did not achieve anything to promise people. He made up the slogan “They didn’t let us” to avoid embarrassment in front of his audience, and to confirm that others are protected from achieving what was promised to be achieved.

So what is the strong covenant where all the calamities are not treated? What is the congregation of the strong Lebanon and did not call him achieving any achievement?

Are we in front of a state of denial and breakthrough, or in front of a state of exaggeration in laughter on people and to quaint their intelligence? In cases the situation is dangerous and the disaster is threatened. “God is covering and Western Lebanon”!

  • Sawt Beirut International