| 3 May 2024, Friday |

“Sawt Beirut International” news bulletin for May 12, 2022

Vote for sovereigns and reformers!

The closer May 15 approaches, the more heated the elections will be. The closer the polls close in all the Lebanese regions, the more slogans and the escalation of political discourse. Hence, the Lebanese voter should not be deceived more or less by rhetoric and big slogans. At the time of great entitlement, a person should choose not only those who are proficient in speaking, but also those who are able to act, based on the principle: our words and deeds.

Deeds in Lebanon today should be based on two things or principles. The first: Concentrating Lebanese sovereignty…and Lebanese sovereignty only on the entire territory of the Republic, and the second: fighting corruption and starting to build a state of law and institutions. These are the two criteria that should control the selection of candidates.

The country is in an existential crisis and the sovereigns should have the first decision in it. The country is experiencing financial, economic and social collapse, and reformers should have the first say in it.

Therefore, dear Lebanese: your country needs you, and the electoral duty is calling you. Participate massively in the elections because “Your votes are our legitimate weapon, so we can extract them and prevail”.


  • Sawt Beirut International