| 7 May 2024, Tuesday |

The Syndicate of Retail Fruit and Vegetable Traders condemns drug smuggling into the Kingdom

The Syndicate of Retail Fruits and Vegetables traders issued a statement indicating that “the attempt to smuggle drugs through agricultural products that are being exported from Lebanon to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a dangerous precedent, and affects the security and stability of the Kingdom and the Saudi and Lebanese society alike.”

It added: “The Syndicate of Fruit and Vegetable Traders strongly denounces this condemned act, and affirms that this crime cannot be committed by a Lebanese farmer looking for his livelihood, and that this disgraceful act is legally rejected, and may cause negative repercussions on the Lebanese economy. , And the Syndicate will follow up with the security services and the judicial references to uncover the perpetrators and those involved in order to try them before the Lebanese and Arab public opinion.