| 7 May 2024, Tuesday |

Israeli Defense Minister Gantz says, “We will not allow Lebanon’s crisis to become security threat for Israel”

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Tuesday that the Lebanese state bears responsibility for the two rockets launched overnight into Israeli territory, warning that the Jewish state will not allow its Lebanon’s economic and political crisis to become a security threat for Israel.

Gantz said in a Twitter post: “The State of Lebanon, which allows terrorist activity from its territory, is the one responsible for last night’s fire.”

“The State of Israel will act in the face of any threat to its sovereignty and its citizens and will respond in accordance with its interests, at the relevant time and place.”

Gantz continued: “We will not allow the social, economic and political crisis in Lebanon to become a security threat to Israel. I call on the international community to act to restore stability to Lebanon.”

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Palestinian factions in southern Lebanon were responsible for the rocket fire.

Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system shot down one of the rockets while the other landed in an open area.

The projectiles tripped sirens across northwestern Israel, including in Rosh HaNikra, Admit, Shlomi, Nativ HaShayara and Sheikh Dannun.

IDF artillery attacked Lebanese territory in response to the rocket launches.