| 4 May 2024, Saturday |

Asmar says, the country is threatened with total chaos

The Head of the General Labor Union, Bechara Asmar said in a statement: “It is confirmed that we have reached a state of total chaos as a result of the ignorance in addressing urgent issues, mainly the issue of fuel, medicine, and bread.”

He warned of chaos, robbery, murders and confiscations.

Asmar added: “The problem is expanding to reach bakeries, food stores, power generators, and hospitals, which are threatened with the death of their patients and burying them alive due to diesel outages.”

“Wealthy Arabs intervened to secure diesel, while Lebanon’s leaders are seeking to secure positions and gains,” warning that “the last weapons of death are gasoline and diesel fuel, which will burn everything and the country is threatened with chaos within few days, when everything will collapse.”

“Our deepest condolences to the families of the innocent martyrs who were buried alive, and we hope rapid recovery for the injured. Shame and disgrace for the officials, who waived a sense of national dignity and belonging, and who are chasing after the lost power of a stolen homeland and captive of monopolies, cartels, smuggling and mass murder.”

  • Sawt Beirut International