| 7 May 2024, Tuesday |

Nadim Gemayel: Does President Aoun condemn what was issued by his custodian?

Resigned MP Nadim Gemayel asked on his Twitter account where is the President from all what’s happening in the country in regard with the Iranian fuel shipment that will arrive in Lebanon.

He said: “Where is the president from all of this? The Iranian fuel shipment will arrive along with all the problems and difficulties that will accompany it.”

He added: “The President arrived in Baabda thanks to the Iranian militia’s weapons, so will he attack or denounce what was issued by his custodian? The president has sold sovereignty in Mar Mikhael on February 6, 2006, and Lebanon is paying the cost today.”

He followed the tweet with the hashtag #Leave_Michel_Aoun

  • Sawt Beirut International