| 5 May 2024, Sunday |

Rahi: Goal of government’s disrupting, striking Lebanon’s unity and dismantling state

“Lebanon arose in 1920 to be the homeland of cultural pluralism and living together, Christians and Muslims, and the homeland of openness to all countries,” the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi confirmed during the opening session of the Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Bkerke.
Rahi said: “When we look at our reality today, we witness that we are gradually moving away from our identity without addressing the severe political crisis that causes economic, financial and living crises, and the bad relationship of Lebanon with its Arab environment.”
Pointiong out that the Lebanese should be inspired by the national constants in their national life, and their political choices, and build a capable and just state that does not allow any party to impose its choices on others, gain its force from abroad, and to disrupt constitutional institutions. Positive neutrality remains the most effective way.
Rahi made it clear that the government was disrupted in the slightest circumstance of need, and we do not rule out that the goal of the disruptors, is to strike Lebanon’s unity, dismantle the state, rebel against it, break away from it, overturn the facts, sever its relations with its brothers, and throw false accusations against those who are still under the authority of the state and legitimacy.