| 5 May 2024, Sunday |

“We will take Lebanon back to the stone age”, Israeli General says

Retired Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brick revealed that the occupying regime’s troops are not ready for any front war, pointing to the laxity of its leaders and members.

‘Mafzak Live’ quoted Brick, the former head of the complaints committee in the occupation army, as saying that there is a more terrifying scenario for Israel if it enters the next war, on top of which is the firing of an average of 3,000 rockets on the country on a daily basis.

He said, “In the most terrifying scenario, pro-Iranian militias will enter Syria, Yemen and Iraq, and Hamas in Gaza will launch missiles and drones at Israel, so that the average number of missiles reaches more than 3,000 a day.”

He added: “The attack on the enemy will lead to violence between Arabs and Jews in mixed cities, gatherings and villages, as well as roadblocks. The number of casualties is expected to be large, along with significant destruction of buildings, cities and infrastructure across the country.”

A member of the reserve army, Brick, indicated that “the army leaders have ignored the problem for years, saying that Hezbollah will not dare to fire missiles at us, and that we will return Lebanon to the stone age.”

He added, “The home front of a conventional multi-field war, and it will lead to terrible destruction and heavy losses for Israel,” stressing that the arrogant statements over the years ignored the terrible situation.

Regarding Iranian threats, Yitzhak Brik said that Iran does not intend to drop a nuclear bomb on Israel when it reaches its target.

The retired brigadier general explained: “They are not stupid to get involved with the whole world when they know very well that dropping a nuclear bomb on Israel will also bring a nuclear bomb on their heads. They intend to create a nuclear power comparable to that of Israel.”

  • Sawt Beirut International