| 9 May 2024, Thursday |

“Sawt Beirut International” news bulletin for April 7, 2022

System mastering corruption only!

Preliminary negotiations between the International Monetary Fund and the Lebanese government are nearing completion. It is more likely that the delegation in Lebanon will leave Lebanon tomorrow after it has signed an initialized agreement with the concerned authorities in Lebanon. Is the news reassuring? On the surface yes, but in depth no. The reason is clear. The IMF delegation’s assessment of the Lebanese reality on the economic level is bad, or even very bad.

In the information, the delegation considered before a number of officials that the situation in Lebanon is the worst among all the 149 countries in crisis that the IMF deals with. The main factor for what Lebanon is suffering from: the failure of the system, its stumbling block, and the lack of a single decision or even a clear decision. It is a system of loss, faltering and corruption. No vision, no plan. Indeed, she has a clear plan for one thing: to seize what remains of the state’s capabilities, and plunder the rest of its wealth. Thanks to a system that has mastered only corruption, corruption, theft and looting. O Lebanese, your country needs you, and the national duty is calling you. Participate massively in the upcoming democratic elections, “Your votes are our legitimate weapon, so let us sit and stay.”