Sunnis did not boycott!
We will not stop at the loopholes and breaches that occured at the elections on the first day of the expatriate voting. Nor will we stop at the percentage of Lebanese voting in Arab countries. We will also not analyze voter samples in an attempt to conduct a political reading of the election results. These are all things that can be talked about, but they remain less important than a phenomenon that has been established today, which is the strong participation of the Sunni component in the elections expected four years ago. Sunnis in Arab countries in general, and in Saudi Arabia in particular, defeated the bets of those who believed that Sunnis in Lebanon would not participate in the elections in large numbers. The Sunni sect is an essential component of the Lebanese components, and without it, “Greater Lebanon” would not have been born. Everyone remembers the famous picture in the Pine Palace that brought together the Maronite Patriarch, the Mufti of Beirut and the French High Commissioner. Also, the Sunnis today are pioneers of the principle: Lebanon first, which has turned into a daily practice at all levels. And thus, this sect will not abandon its historical role and will be the first in the process of restoring a strong and capable state. What is said about the Sunnis today, is said to all the Lebanese. Lebanese: Your country needs you, and the electoral duty is calling you. Participate extensively in the elections, as “your votes are our legitimate weapon, so we can extract them and prevail.”