| 4 December 2024, Wednesday |

Sawt Beirut International’s News Bulletin – Dec. 13, 2021

A brief of today’s news bulletin:

  • Is there a political message behind Dukan’s position not to meet President of the Republic?
  • What is happening in the camps, and what about the maps of weapon warehouses?
  • Is the data of arrivals to Lebanon now exposed?

“Whoever do not want to join the Lebanon that Hezbollah desires, let him seek another solution.” Can anyone believe that such a statement could be said by Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem?

Is it to this degree that Hezbollah’s superiority and pride reached? Is it to this extent that Hezbollah feels the surplus of its power? By the way, this surplus of power has not been used for a long time against Israel, but rather its goal has become bullying Lebanese and imposing power on them!

In any case, Naim Qassem and those partisans who support him must comprehend and make sure that the majority of the Lebanese do not want Lebanon as Hezbollah desires it to be. Lebanese want peace, rather than war. They want a vibrant, prosper, and advanced Lebanon, rather than a country which is mired in economic, political, and social crises.

Lebanese want a country which keeps up with pace, not the Lebanon of the Middle ages. They want a country which is in harmony with its Arab neighbors, reconciled and interactive with the international community, not the country that exports drugs, and terrorism to the Arab and international countries.

Briefly, this is what the Lebanese want, and that’s what they work for every hour and day. Because these Lebanese are the majority, they will not look for another solution, and they will not leave Lebanon and will not emigrate as Naim Qassem wants them to do. Their solution is clear and specific; they will remain in their homeland no matter how dark and strong the storms become, because they know that after darkness, light will appear, and after storms, the sun must rise.

Therefore, a small advice to Naim Qassem: Either you accept Lebanon as it is, with its historical identity as the Lebanese want it, or you search for another solution. The solution is required from those who are distressed by the history of their homeland and who wish to change its identity, not from those who are comfortable with the essence of their homeland and its role regionally and globally.

Sheikh Naim: The ball is in your court and the problem is yours, so try to find a solution before it is too late!

  • Sawt Beirut International