| 9 February 2025, Sunday |

Health Ministry: Seasonal flu vaccine now available at subsidized prices

The Ministry of Public Health announced in a statement that, “after receiving information about the influenza outbreak  in the schools of Hermel district, the ministry made field investigations in these schools and conducted the required laboratory tests, and it was found that the registered cases are the result of the seasonal influenza that started in Lebanon several weeks ago.”

The Ministry will continue to follow up on the epidemiological indicators of influenza on a weekly basis. It is worth noting that the symptoms include fever and acute respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and muscle pain, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. If symptoms worsen, it is recommended to see a specialist.

The Ministry wished that media and social media apply accuracy and caution while publishing health information, and to follow up on the epidemiological bulletins issued by the Ministry in this regard.

On the other hand, the Ministry announced that the influenza vaccine is now available in Lebanon, where the Ministry was keen to provide it at a subsidized price of 24,000 LPB, and it can be obtained from pharmacies at the mentioned price.

The ministry stressed the need for those most at risk of complications not to delay getting the vaccine, namely: young and elderly as well as people with chronic diseases, pregnant women and health workers.

  • Sawt Beirut International