| 16 February 2025, Sunday |

Jumblatt tweets about Lebanon’s Ali Mamlouk,,,whom does he mean?

Representative Walid Jumblatt tweeted in responded to Major General Abbas Ibrahim’s recent media speech: “Alas for these days with voices that forget the sacrifices, wisdom and wit of President Nabih Berri, and claim that the Parliament’s presidency is not anyone’s monopoly.”

He added on Twitter: “Alas for these days, where a security official demands that roads be opened in front of the regime’s gangs. Alas for these days as we go back to the Syrian regime ‘s instructions and one of its butchers, I meant Lebanon’s Ali Mamluk.”

Jumblatt had tweeted before noon: “As if everything was planned for, he announces about the Jordanian electricity and Egyptian gas, which are an opportunity to start addressing the electricity crisis, and we get invaded by diesel. You ask about Iraqi oil and the mysterious circumstances of its replacement, but there is no answer, then the theatrical power outage at the council and the subsequent auctions,  ending with the Iranian drilling so where is the Lebanese state?”