On the occasion of Liberation Day, the Director-General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, issued a directive leaflet to Public Security personnel, in which he stated:
Military personnel
the Liberation Day from the Israeli occupation is distinguished by the consensus of all Lebanese.
The year 2000 was not an ordinary history just been accumulated with the numbers of years, but was consecrated by the blood of the Lebanese, their resistance, patience, and adherence to their land, a decisive year in the history of liberation, and the assurance that the land is not compromised, and right is taken and deserved, if the will is found and all available means are used to strengthen it
Military personnel
Restoration of the occupied Lebanese lands that the Israeli enemy invaded since 1978 was a surprise to the world, as Lebanon was able to defeat the reality and the perception that Israel is an invincible enemy. Fact proved that the task of liberating the land has formed a national consensus, solidarity, faith and a common endeavor through which the impossible is achieved. The occupation did not attack or occupied our land with the aim of a later withdrawal. Rather, its expansionist goals sought something bigger and more comprehensive. As of which breaking the rule of impossible has been achieved, alongside with which all the bases of power, the arsenal of weapons, technological progress and the enemy doctrine have fallen.
On this day of the year 2000, the Lebanese changed the worst of facts when the enemy practically tried to revive the occupation by all means, so this expansionist concept fell out, through determination, confrontation, self-sacrifice and faith in Lebanon, the final homeland for all its children with their sects and affiliations.
Military personnel
Liberation has been achieved, and celebrating the 25th of May of every year with pride and sophistication, and evidence of determination to continue to complete the liberation of what remains. The Shebaa farms and the hills of Kfarshouba are an acquired right for Lebanon, and they are lands and homes awaiting the return to their people. And that the Lebanese airspace be liberated from the Israeli violations. So that the liberation will not remain incomplete, especially since Israel covets our oil wealth as it coveted our water.
Military personnel
It has been proven in all stages that Lebanon is able to protect its land whenever its citizens unite around cross-cutting issues, and this is what actually happened regarding the Israeli occupation and its ambitions, and it is also with terrorist groups that are no less dangerous. No difference who the names are, the goals remain the same, and the Lebanese consensus remains a bulwark that stands in the way of any aggression or intolerance and ambitions.