| 7 February 2025, Friday |

No electricity at end of September, this is what awaits Lebanese

Media office at the Electricite du Liban, announced in a statement that “its remaining storage of fuel, which was insured according to the advance granted to it under Law No. 215 dated 08/04/2021, especially for fuel oils (Grade A) and (Grade B), has decreased immensely. Indicating that it has expired completely at the Jiyeh thermal plant and the two energy-producing steamers “Fatima Gul” and “Orhan Bay”, which led to their forcible cessation of energy production, and it was almost depleted on the other hand in both ,the thermal plant of Zouk and completely in the reverse engine laboratories in Zouk and Jiyeh, except for one engine in each, which will also lead to their forcible stopping of energy production.”

The statement added: “Therefore, despite EDL’s best efforts, with its current capabilities, to take a series of successive precautionary measures, in order to secure a minimum stable electrical supply for the longest possible period, amidst the country’s difficult economic, financial and monetary conditions, it has exhausted all possible options, and it is no longer able to manage the remaining production groups with accordance to its remaining fuel stocks and the quantities of fuel expected to be supplied under the exchange agreement with the Iraqi state, which is only sufficient for a production capacity of about “500” A megawatt maximum, which in return results in many difficulties to secure the stability of the network and threatens its complete collapse at any moment, so that during the last two weeks only the electrical network has been exposed to more than seven (7) general interruptions throughout the entire Lebanese territory, in this case,  there is a high risk of reaching a general and comprehensive suspention ion production, at the end of this month, September, after its entire hydrocarbon reserves were exhausted.

Noting that, for several months, EDL has still been unable to use the surplus of the national currency accumulated in its accounts with the Banque du Liban , through collecting subscription bills, in an attempt to cover part of its fuel needs in hard currency, to produce Energy, despite its relentless endeavor with all concerned.

Accordingly, after EDL has exhausted all the precautionary options and measures it has resorted to, and is no longer able to secure a minimum supply of electric power due to this out of its control situation, it will seek to keep all citizens aware of the electricity supply through subsequent statements. “.