U.S. dollar banknotes
The black-market dollar today, Tuesday, maintained its stability, as it recorded 12,850 pounds per dollar for purchase and 12,900 pounds for sale.
In light of the political, economic and financial confusion, the Banque du Liban launched a platform in which the exchange rate for selling the dollar was set in what is known as a “Sayrafa platform”, according to which cooperation with banks and money changers is carried out, at 12 thousand Lebanese pounds per one dollar sell.
At the same time, Lebanon suffers from the crisis of forming a government due to the intransigence of the authority and its adherence to its demands.
The crisis has plunged a large segment of citizens into poverty. Many of Lebanese who have savings in dollar accounts, are facing restrictions on obtaining foreign currency, as well as restrictions on both withdrawals and the price offered by banks.
For some time now, the Lebanese banks has set the price of 3,850 pounds to the dollar, when withdrawing the dollar to small depositors, and it is still in force today.
The Syndicate of Money Changers in Lebanon confirmed the pricing of the dollar exchange rate against the Lebanese pound with a moving margin between the price of 3,850 pounds for purchase and 3,900 pounds for sale, as a maximum.
The exchange rate of the dollar at the Central Bank of Lebanon remained at 1507.5 pounds per one dollar, and it is allocated for basic commodities only.