Lebanese and Ukrainian flags
The Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon announced that the blockade on the transport of grain from Ukraine by sea has been lifted.
The embassy said on its Twitter account:
“Currently, the blockade of grain transportation from Ukraine by sea has been lifted, and this is good news for buyers. We do not know how long this corridor will actually remain in operation, because the responsibility for its operation lies with the Russian Federation. The first ship has successfully passed through the sea lane and its cargo is already being unloaded at the Turkish port of Dering.
Another 8 ships turn to buyers in 5 countries because the demand for Ukrainian grain on the market is huge.
Regarding Lebanon: Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the closing of the ports, the shipment arrived after 5 months. That is why the buying company and the seller reached an agreement to cancel the order. Currently, the selling company is studying other requests to buy the grain.”
8 سفن أخرى تتجه إلى مشترين في 5 دول لأن الطلب على الحبوب الأوكرانية في السوق ضخم.
ما يتعلق بلبنان: بسبب الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا وإغلاق الموانئ،وصلت الشحنة بعد 5 أشهر.لهذا توصلت الشركة المشتري والشركة البائع لإتفاق على إلغاء الطلب.حاليًا، تدرس الشركة البائع طلبات أخرى لشراء الحبوب.— UKR_Emb in Lebanon (@UKRinLBN) August 9, 2022