NNA: Department Meteorology of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation expected that the weather will be partly cloudy with a slight rise in coastal temperatures and brisk winds intensifying northward to about 70 km / h at night. The afternoon turns into cloudy with fog forming on the heights, as well as scattered rain in the evening that intensifies at night, accompanied by lightning and thunder.
The general situation: unsteady weather that dominates the eastern Mediterranean basin in the coming days.
The average temperature for the month of March ranges between 13 and 22 degrees.
Weather forecast in Lebanon:
Tuesday: partly cloudy to cloudy with fog on the heights and a marked decrease in temperatures on the mountains and internal areas , winds are active, especially in the northern regions, and the weather is ready for light rain in the afternoon.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy, with a slight rise in coastal temperatures, and brisk winds intensifying northward to approximately 70 km / h at night. The afternoon turns into cloudy with fog forming on the heights, as well as scattered rain in the evening that intensifies at night, accompanied by lightning and thunder.
Thursday: Partly cloudy to cloudy with fog at altitudes and limited temperatures. Scattered rain with brisk winds and scattered snowfall at an altitude of 1500 meters and above in the morning period. The weather gradually improves during the night.
Friday: Partly cloudy with fog over high altitudes and limited temperatures.
The temperature on the coast ranges from 13 to 22 degrees, over the mountains from 8 to 16 degrees, in the interior from 7 to 19 degrees.
Surface winds: active south-westerly, with velocity between 15 and 45 km / hr, sometimes increasing to approximately 55 km / h in the north.
– Visibility: Medium, worsens at altitudes.
Relative humidity on the coast: between 55 and 85%.
Sea conditions: low to wavy waves, surface temperature 19 degrees.
Atmospheric pressure: 761 mm mercury.
Sunrise hour: 5,49
Sunset hour: 5:45 pm