| 19 May 2024, Sunday |

Hezbollah threatens state apparatuses, and Americans

Hezbollah did not tolerate what the Head of the party’s Executive Council Hashim Safi al-Din, stated about the state’s official apparatuses and “the Americans”, so he deleted it from the text circulated to the media.

In the original text, with audio and video, Safi al-Din said:

“The Americans in Lebanon influence the security, political, financial, and economic spheres. The Americans are strong in the Lebanese state, we have not yet fought a battle to remove the United States from the Lebanese state’s apparatus, but if the day comes and we engage in this battle, the Lebanese will see something else.”

Is there a stronger threat than this threat? But this paragraph is not found in the circulated text, although it exists in audio visual. Why did the party “deleted this part”?

Did the party feel its danger? Is it because it brings the party into a confrontation, not only with the Americans, but with the entire Lebanese state?

Focus on this sentence: “We have not yet fought a battle to remove the United States from the Lebanese state apparatus, but if the day comes and we engage in this battle, the Lebanese will see something else.”

What does “something else” mean? What are the “Lebanese state apparatus” that Safi al-Din meant, and Hezbollah wants the United States out of it?

If we survey the Lebanese state apparatus, we will see some of them:

Lebanese Army.

Internal Security Forces.

General Security.

State Security.

Civil Defense.

How does Hezbollah define “the presence of the United States in these apparatuses”? Are they human members? Are they Lebanese or Americans? How do you get them out?

It is very dangerous what Safi al-Din proposed, and he is not an ordinary person in Hezbollah. Rather, he bears the number 3 responsibility after the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General. In the past, Hezbollah was talking about removing the United States from the country. Today, it is talking about removing the United States from the “state apparatus.” So has Lebanon entered the Afghan experience? Will Hezbollah expel all those who dealt with the Americans?

The United States of America provides aid to the military and security institutions. Is this cooperation considered by Hezbollah as “an American presence in the apparatus, which is required to be removed”?

Certainly, Hezbollah will not answer, but is there an answer from the government, specifically from its Prime Minister and the ministers of defense and interior, to this threat that affects their official bodies?

Although more than 24 hours have passed since these words, the prime minister and the ministers of interior and foreign affairs, didn’t take any action. Would the recipe of “sadness” adopted by the prime minister be repeated as an expression of his rejection of a specific step or position on the part of Hezbollah? Is in sadness such things are handled?

  • Sawt Beirut International