| 5 May 2024, Sunday |

To the Supreme Guide of the Republic, “Isn’t the corrupt like an infiltrator?”

Ahead of the parliamentary elections, the terrorist Hezbollah is turning to attention in Lebanon’s internal, social, economic and administrative affairs, raising the slogan of fighting corruption in turn.

What is striking in this matter is that the perpetrators of this corruption are senior officials, brothers or sons of leaders in Hezbollah, who have obtained direct or indirect cover to practice their transgressions, and in turn are keen to spread the “culture of people’s neglect.”

“Hezbollah” covers corruption in all its branches, starting with smuggling fuel through illegal crossings, to covering the rampant corruption in most ministries, and covering those responsible for the Lebanese state’s finances since 1990 until today, making it necessary for the Lebanese to pay the price for the corruption that stole money from the state He also valued the party’s submission to Iran, which constitutes the head of the state’s submission.

In this context, it can be said that this militia managed to create its own corruption, which expanded and took different forms. As for the “laughable laughter”, it is crystallized by the behavior of the “Siyad” of this militia, brazenly, it crossed the borders, and they are conducting electoral campaigns, the prime of which is “fighting corruption”, where they attract Their audience through client networks, under the pretext of ‘resistance’, Hezbollah manages the electoral process with complete professionalism by implementing Iran’s instructions and putting the interests of the Iranian regime before the interests of the state and the Lebanese people.

In the above, the brilliance of the militia that covers the hijacking of the state and the inclusion of Lebanon in the whirlpool of statelet seems to be talking about reform, and it is the one who has caused the impoverishment of 80% of the Lebanese, as a result of Hezbollah’s corruption at home and in its dealings with abroad, is primarily responsible for Lebanon’s economic collapse So, what electoral entitlement is the latter talking about?

The alliance of the quota system of spoils, and the silence about the weapons associated with Wilayat al-Faqih, in exchange for silence about deals and organized looting within the state, is the electoral campaign that is shackled to the labor organized by the militia. The al-Faqih revolution, as Hezbollah is “organically linked to Iran”, and it is part of its grand project and its system, and the latter does not care about elections or those who grieve, only working to secure its way from Lebanon to Iran through Syria and Iraq under the umbrella of Palestine.

Yes, gentlemen, the party’s relationship with corruption, as it is an organic relationship, and not just propaganda, aimed at drawing attention to the outside, in addition to the deals protected by the state-run rifle, all this when Hassan Nasrallah boasts about fighting corruption and striving to improve the state, while allying with the most corrupt on the The homeland, forgetting that he is the only corrupt and Iranian-Zionist agent. As for the elections, then forward, the only thing is Iran, let us wait.


  • Sawt Beirut International